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外籍教师来华生活指南--Culture shock 文化冲击

发布日期:2021-12-01    作者:     来源:     点击:

Culture shock文化冲击

Culture shock is a period of ups and downs a person may experience when moving into a new cultural environment. The process is different for each individual and can vary in onset, length, sequence and severity. It helps to be familiar with the stages of culture shock since knowing about it can ease the process. Typical symptoms may include physical and emotional changes such as: Homesickness Feeling helpless like a child Disliking the new culture Stress Frequent crying, or feeling like crying Changes in appetite or energy levels Sleeplessness Lasting feeling of sadness Headaches or stomachaches   Phases you may go through when in a new culture usually include the following four: Honeymoon "Oh, this is wonderful. Let's go there. Amaaazing!" You are obviously excited and have an idealized view of the new culture. During the first few weeks, the differences between the old and new culture are seen in a romantic light, and you are fascinated by new discoveries. But like most honeymoon periods, this stage eventually ends.   Crisis/Negotiation "I am tired. No one understands me. I want to go home!" This could be something you would say just before you kick the closet with your bare foot. Reality is back. Differences between the old and new culture become apparent and may create anxiety. Excitement may eventually give way to unpleasant feelings of frustration and loss as you continue to experience unfavorable events caused by the new environment. Adjustment You are still here. Well done. Understanding, acceptance and adaptation is key now. In this phase you will start to face new challenges in a positive way. You become proactive in getting to know your new environment; you become willing to step outside of your comfort zone and try something new; you begin to keep an open mind and start to adapt your values, personality and behavior to the host culture. Resolution/Mastery "This is home guys!" You have developed your routine and the efforts you put in place in the previous stage are now imperceptible. You are stable emotionally and you feel comfortable.   If you feel tired, if you are emotionally sensitive, if you are critical of the culture, if you want to go home then you will know these are normal reactions and you should not give up. Over time the feelings and symptoms will dissipate, but there are a number of tips and tricks for hastening the adjustment process.   Admit frankly that these impacts exist. It is not a sign of weakness to admit that you feel uncomfortable, tense or confused. Take time to learn the language. It always helps to understand as much as possible of what people are saying. They will appreciate your effort to communicate with them in their language, even if it is just a few simple phrases, and it will make your daily life much easier.   Make friends and develop relationships. Getting to know local people will help you overcome cultural differences and understand the country. It will also show you how to be more sensitive to cultural norms and expectations. Maintain contact with friends and family back home. Writing home about your experiences and problems can help you sort through them. It is also a good idea to keep a journal of your feelings and thoughts.  Take care of yourself. Eat well, exercise and take the time to sleep. Limit your alcohol consumption to moderate amounts. Go traveling. Take the time to be a tourist and explore the city’s sights.

