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外籍教师来华生活指南--Banking service 银行业务

发布日期:2021-12-01    作者:     来源:     点击:

Banking service 银行业务

1. Exchanging currency (taking US dollars as an example) You can convert USD cash into RMB at most banks in mainland China. Some banks, such as the Bank of China and the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) accept overseas VISA, MASTER, or AMERICAN EXPRESS cards to exchange RMB. The maximum exchange amount is 50,000 USD per year. You can also withdraw a maximum of 3,000 RMB per day with overseas credit cards at most ATMs in mainland China. Exchange rates vary daily. If you want to exchange less than $500 USD in one day, you can go to the Bank of China. For more than $500 USD in one day, please ask your Chinese colleague or friend to do it for you at the Bank of China or ICBC. An appointment call to the bank one day in advance is required.

1. 货币兑换(以美金为例) 持美元现金,可在中国境内银行办理美元兑换人民币业务(部分银行如中国银行和中国工商银行也可办理持境外VISAMASTERAMERICAN   EXPRESS等卡兑换人民币业务)。一年内兑换总额度不可超过 5 万美元。还可持中国境外的信用卡直接在中国境内银行的柜员机上提取人民币,汇率为即时汇率。一天累计支取额度不超过 3000 元人民币。 在中国境内将人民币兑换成美元,若一天累计兑换金额不超过 500 美元,可直接去中国银行办理。若一天累计兑换金额超过 500美元,建议由中国的同事或朋友代替外专到中国银行或中国工商银行换汇,这样换汇的程序会简单很多。换汇需提前一天打电话预约。

2. Opening a bank account It is necessary to have a local ICBC bank account in Guangzhou if you are a long-term foreign expert at SCUT, which makes receiving salary and daily life much easier. Bring your original passport and a photocopy. ICBC charges 15 RMB for the service of opening an account and requires at least 1 RMB as an initial deposit.

2. 银行开户为了便于工资发放和日常生活,长期外专应在广州市内的中国工商银行开设个人账户。 开户所需资料为护照原件及复印件一份。开户时工商银行将收取 15 元人民币的工本费,而且必须在账户中存入不少于 1 元人民币的现金。

3. ATM (taking ICBC as an example) You can use your debit card (also known as ATM card) to access your RMB account at ATMs for the services of cash withdrawal, deposit, funds transfer, remittance, balance inquiry, password changing, etc. Not all ATMs provide all-round services; each ATM’s function can be identified by its instructions. Note: If you use your ICBC card at other banks’ ATMs, you will be charged a fee.

3. ATM(以中国工商银行为例)持借记卡(即ATM卡)可以在中国银行的柜员机上办理存取款、转帐、汇款、账户信息查询、修改密码等业务。但并不是所有柜员机都可提供以上的全部业务,不同的业务功能的柜员机对应有不同的功能说明。 备注:在非本行的柜员机上操作时,须缴纳一定的手续费。

4. Reporting a lost card The first thing to do when your bank cardis lost is to dial your bank’s telephone number to report it (ICBC mainland: 95588. If you are not in the city of the bank where you opened your account, select 8 for “Roaming Service”). English service is available. You might be required to go to the bank in person with your passport to re-open the account.

4. 银行卡挂失银行卡丢失,请在第一时间致电银行,办理银行卡挂失。挂失后在银行规定的期限内可凭护照取回新的银行卡。 中国工商银行的服务热线为:95588(若在异地丢失银行卡,请拨打 95588 后选择 8——漫游服务),提供英文服务。 如要重新开户,需要亲自前往银行办理。